We teach and practice the Biblical principle of tithing.
"Tithe" means a tenth. When we tithe, we give 10% of our income to God. God calls us not only to give as an act of obedience but also to give generously. Once you are faithfully tithing, we would like you to consider giving above and beyond.
Each year, we set specific goals for outreach and campus expansion so that more and more people can be reached with the Gospel. Kingdom Builders give sacrificially, above and beyond their tithe, to help us expand the Kingdom of God. We build the Kingdom of God by partnering with local and global organizations.
Join us and become a Kingdom Builder today!
Thank you for your generosity.
Your giving is making a difference at Arise Church.
Information About Giving Online:
Debit or Credit Card
Consider the benefits of knowing your gifts to the church are automatically handled each month. You can even take advantage of your credit card award programs as you give. Whether you’re on vacation or forgot to bring your wallet to church, your commitment to supporting Arise Church continues.
Text to Give
A simple and convenient option.
From your smartphone, text 1 (833) 549-0913
In the message field, enter one of the following three codes...
~ TO for Tithe & Offering ,
~ BP for Building Project,
~ KB for Kingdom Builders, ~ GS for Guest Speakers,
list the amount you wish to give, and press the SEND button.
For example, type Tithe $85, press SEND OR $25 BP, and press SEND.
You will receive a reply with a LINK to a page where you can set up an account associated with your Credit or Debit Card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover). Click the link, and it will take you to the registration page, where you must enter your personal information.
Once your account is set up, you only text 1 (833) 549-0913 the code (TO, BP, or KB) for where you want the contribution to go, a space, and the amount. To simplify the process, we recommend creating a contact like “Arise Giving” on your phone at 1 (833) 549-0913.
Direct Deposit
With the convenience of Direct Deposit Giving, you can establish a giving schedule that is both consistent and comfortable for your budget. You can set up automatic withdrawals either from your checking or savings account.
Make a gift.
Give in-person by receiving an envelope and dropping it in the back of the auditorium or give online by clicking the button down below.

Sponsor A Chair
Be a part of our exciting journey as we prepare to welcome guests to our new Arise Church building! For $388, you can sponsor a chair to provide a comfortable place for individuals and families to experience worship, fellowship, and God's presence for years.